Keep trading and get your Treasure!
Speed up your journey to the treasure chest by multiplying transactions and getting your rewards right away.

Explore exciting adventures in Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt

Daily Mission
Complete your missions during treasure hunt period and get additional prizes!

Explore New Activities
Play mini games and have another fun experience!

Speed Up Your Car
Keep transactions on the mySF app and get boosts by making digital payments.
Terms and Conditions Treasure Hunt Program
Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt edition is a 'reward' program organized by Smartfren as a form of appreciation to all loyal customers of Smartfren services and at the same time users of the mySF application, where customers have the opportunity to get rewards in the form of direct prizes or additional prizes and grand prizes, with terms and conditions as follows:
- The Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt 2022 program can be accessed by customers from 7 March 2022 to 31 December 2023
- The transaction value collection period takes place on February 16, 2022, and there is no reset period for transaction collection.
- The collection of transaction value in the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Period 3 will not carry over to the REJEKI WOW Treasure Hunt 2023. In the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Period 2022, the collection of transaction values will start from the beginning.
- Smartfren's customers (end-users) both prepaid and postpaid who have an active smartfren number, an account on the mySF application, are at least 17 years old and have an identity card have the opportunity to get prizes in the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Program.
- The Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt program does not apply to Smartfren employees and Smartfren subsidiaries
- SMARTFREN has the absolute right and authority to disqualify participants who are considered not to have a good intention, including with the following defame,violation, abuse, harassment, threaten or commit immoral acts/ contain SARA/ pornography, support or encourage illegal activities, cheating, deceptive, or misleading and violating or contradicting with laws/ regulation in Indonesia.
- Customers who have met the criteria referred to point 2 and during the program period make one or more transactions as following SIM Card activation, Top up Prepaid balance through variation channel, postpaid billing payment, purchase of packages using a payment method other than Prepaid credit deduction and redeem SmartPoin to credit balance or data package will be able to participate in the REJEKI WOW Treasure Hunt program through mySF application.
- For the first transaction made during the program period, customers will immediately get an "Adventurer Car" that will be used for adventures exploring Indonesia.
- The Adventurer car will be used to travel around Indonesia in search of treasure
- The position of the Adventurer's Car will change according to the number of transactions made by the customer
- By increasing transactions, the level of adventurers will increase and the bonuses received by customers will be even greater.
- Pelanggan yang mencapai transaksi sebesar Rp 50.000, akan mendapatkan bonus 1GB TikTok yang berlaku 1 hari akan disebut sebagai Pengelana.
- Customers who reach a transaction of IDR 150,000 will get a 1GB Chat bonus which is valid for 1 day and will be referred to as an Adjutant.
- Customers who reach a transaction of IDR 300,000 will get a 1GB Youtube bonus which is valid for 1 day and will be referred to as Merchant.
- Customers who reach a transaction of IDR 500,000 will get a 1GB Main Quota bonus that is valid for 7 days and will be referred to as the Big Boss
- Customers who make transactions of IDR 1,000,000 will get a 1GB Main Quota bonus that is valid for 7 days and will be referred to as the Chief of the Tribe. The bonus received will be given 2x (1x every month) according to the period when the customer received the bonus.
- Customers who achieve transactions of RP 1,000,000, will get a bonus of 1GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be referred to as the Chief of the Tribe. The bonus received will be given 2x (1x every month) according to the period when the customer received the bonus.
- Customers who achieve transactions of RP 3,000,000, will get a bonus of 1.5GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be referred to as Ningrat. The bonus received will be given 6x (1x every month) according to the period when the customer received the bonus.
- Customers who achieve transactions of RP 2,000,000, will get a bonus of 1.5GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be referred to as Priyayi. The bonus received will be given 3x (1x every month) according to the period when the customer received the bonus.
- Customers who achieve transactions of RP 4,000,000, will get a bonus of 1.5GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be referred to as a conglomerate. The bonus received will be given 9x (1x every month) according to the period when the customer received the bonus.
- Customers who achieve transactions of RP 1,000,000, will get a bonus of 1GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be referred to as the Chief of the Tribe. The bonus received will be given 2x (1x every month) according to the period when the customer received the bonus.
- Bonus kuota yang diterima pelanggan ketika berhasil mencapai setiap level akan langsung diterima oleh pelanggan pada saat pelanggan membuka peti harta. Pelanggan dapat melihat bonus kuota di Menu Utama MySmartfren, pada detail menu kuota aktif.
- Customers must have a main quota to be able to use the bonus quota from Treasure Hunt.
- Customers who make transactions of a total of IDR 50,000 through the mySF application using Digital payments available in mySF and or E-Wallet, will get an E-Wallet Booster of 25,000 wheelie rates (Does not apply multiples, customers are only entitled to get an E-Wallet booster 1 time in 1 period).
- Customers have the opportunity to get additional prizes by participating in missions (Mission Challenge) during the 2023 Treasure Hunt. By completing all missions, customers can open Mission Chests and have the opportunity to get additional prizes in the form of quota bonuses
- 26. The transaction value and bonus balance in the previous smartfren number cannot be carried over to the new smartfren number if customer change their smartfren number during the program period.
- At the time of awarding the prize, the smartphone number used to participate in the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt program must be in active status condition.
- For more information related to The Procedure of Claiming Prize Treasure Hunt, customers can read the official smartfren website
Terms and Conditions Daily Treasure
- The Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure program period runs from March 7, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
- REJEKI WOW Daily Treasure is a program for Smartfren’s users (Prepaid and Postpaid) to get daily bonuses just by checking in or open MySmartfren application and click the REJEKI WOW Daily Treasure’s icon on MySmartfren homepage every day.
- Make sure your Smartfren number is active when check-in the REJEKI WOW Daily Treasure.
- Check-in can be done only once per day.
- Customer will get a bonus every day if they do consecutive daily check-in.
- Check in on 1st day, customers will get 10 SmartPoin. On the 2nd day of check-in, customer will get 15 SmartPoin. Check-in on 3rd day, customer will get 20 SmartPoin. Check-in on the 4th day, customer will get 25 SmartPoin. Check-in on 5th day, customer will get 30 SmartPoin. And check-in on 6th day, customer will get 35 SmartPoin.
- After 7 days consecutive check-in, on the 7th day the customers will be given an option to get 40 SmartPoin or get 1GB YouTube Package (available for 7 days), by exchange 135 SmartPoin.
- If the Customer chooses special 1 GB YouTube package - 7 days, then 135 SmartPoin owned by the customer will be deducted. YouTube special 1GB package - 7 days will be given within a maximum of 1 × 24 hours after claim.
- If the Customer choose 1GB Youtube Package instead (available for 7 days), 135 SmartPoin will be deducted from SmartPoin balance owned by the Customer.
- If the customer doesn’t check-in for 1 day, then the daily check-in will be counted as day one check-in when the customers checking in back the next day. (For Example, customers who have checked-in until 3rd day but didn’t check-in on the 4th day, then later if the customer check-in, the daily check-in will be counted as first check-in (start from day one).
- The SmartPoin validity period is 180 days from the time SmartPoin received by the customer. If the costumer had SmartPoin previously, the validity period will be different.
Terms and Conditions Mission
- The Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program period runs from March 7, 2022 to December 31, 2022
- The Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program is a feature in Treasure Hunt that encourages customers to carry out activities within mySF and provides opportunities for customers to get additional prizes or bonuses in addition to gifts from making transactions.
- Customers can follow missions even if they haven't reached the level in Treasure Hunt.
- Customers will get bonus SmartPoins when completing the available missions
- The type of the mission is displayed on the REJEKI WOW Treasure Hunt Program main page at Mission Menu.
- Customers who have completed all missions, will get Mission Treasure Chests, and have a chance to win WOW Prizes.
- SmartPoin bonus which is received by users will be added directly to My SmartPoin Menu.
- Additional prizes after completing all missions can be seen at the Vouchers menu. Vouchers.
Have a question?
Check the answers about the program here
- What is Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt?
Rejeki WOW Treasure Hunt is an appreciation program for Smartfren users, both postpaid and prepaid users to get instant prizes, daily bonuses and a chance to win Grand Prizes.
- How long will the 2022 Treasure Hunt Program run?
The Treasure Hunt 2022 program period lasts 1 year from the start of the Program. Treasure Hunt Period 7 March 2022 – 31 December 2022
- When does the 2022 Treasure Hunt transaction period start?
Transactions are counted as progress in Treasure Hunt from February 16, 2022, and will continue to be counted until the program is renewed or ends. There is no reset period for transactions.
- Who can participate in Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt 2022?
Smartfren’s users both postpaid and prepaid who have an active Smartfren number, have an acoount on MySmartfren application and have an identity card have the opportunity to get prizes in REJEKI WOW Treasure Hunt program.
- How to play Treasure Hunt 2022 ?
Download the mySF application for you new Smartfren customers. If you activate during the Smartfren Wow Treasure Hunt period, then the purchase of your Smartfren Prime Card will be counted as your first transaction according to the official retail price of the Starter card. You will get a Welcome Prize in the form of an 'Adventurer Car' from Treasure Hunt for an adventure in Indonesia.
- How to get rewards in Treasure Hunt 2022?
Make transactions to increase the Adventurer Level to get rewards. The higher the Adventurer's Level, the greater the rewards that can be obtained. There are 10 levels that you can reach in Treasure Hunt 2022. The minimum transaction amount of IDR 50,000 is called Wanderer. Minimum transaction amount of IDR 100,000 is called Adjutant. The minimum transaction amount of IDR 300,000 is called a merchant. The minimum transaction amount of IDR 500,000 is called Big Boss. The minimum transaction amount of IDR 1,000,000 is called the Chief of the Tribe. The minimum transaction amount of IDR 1,500,000 is called the skipper. The minimum transaction amount of IDR 2,000,000 is called Priyayi. The minimum transaction amount of IDR 3,000,000 is called Ningrat. A minimum transaction amount of IDR 4,000,000 is called a conglomerate and a minimum transaction amount of IDR 5,000,000 is called a Sultan.
- Will I get rewards when I reach each Level?
Certain. Customers will get prizes in the form of Multimedia Quota or Internet Quota with higher benefits if the Adventurer Level increases.
- What rewards can I get when I reach each Level in Treasure Hunt 2022?
The prizes that customers get at each Adventurer Level when the customer reaches a transaction of IDR 50,000 will get a 1GB TikTok bonus which is valid for 1 day. Customers who reach a transaction of IDR 150,000 will get a 1GB Chat bonus which is valid for 1 day. Customers who reach transactions of IDR 300,000 will get a 1GB Youtube bonus which is valid for 1 day. Customers who reach transactions of RP 500,000 will get a bonus of 1GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days. Customers who reach transactions of RP 1,000,000 will get a bonus of 1GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be given 2x (1x every month). Customers who achieve transactions of RP 1,500,000 will get a bonus of 1GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be given 3 times (1x every month). Customers who reach a transaction of RP 2,000,000 will get a bonus of 1.5GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be given 3x (1x every month). Customers who achieve transactions of RP 3,000,000 will get a bonus of 1.5GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be given 6 times (1x every month). Customers who reach a transaction of RP 4,000,000 will get a bonus of 1.5GB Main Quota which is valid for 7 days and will be given 9 times (1x every month). Customers who reach a transaction of RP 5,000,000 will get a 2GB Main Quota bonus which is valid for 7 days and will be given 12 times (1x every month).
- Is it possible to get WOW rewards in Treasure Hunt 2022 ?
Yes. Customers can take part in the smartfren WOW Lucky Draw where customers have the opportunity to get WOW Prizes.
- Who can participate in the smartfren WOW Lucky Draw 2022?
Customers who can participate in the smartfren WOW Lucky Draw are customers who have at least reached Merchant Level, or at least have reached a minimum transaction of IDR 300,000. Customers who are still at the Traveler and Aide Level must increase their Level to Merchant to be able to take part in the WOW Lucky Draw smartfren.
- What prizes can I get in the smartphone WOW Lucky Draw 2022?
Customers have the opportunity to get prizes in the form of Cars, Precious Metals, Savings, Cellphones and Smart TVs.
- Apart from the WOW Lucky Draw smartphone, is it possible for me to get a WOW Prize?
Yes. Customers can access the Mission Menu on the Treasure Hunt page and complete all missions.
- How can i participate missions in Treasure Hunt?
You can participate in missions by going to the Treasure Hunt main menu and entering the Challenge. You can follow the mission even if you haven't managed to collect the key. Get bonus SmartPoins and a chance to win WOW prizes when you complete all available missions.
- What rewards do I get for completing additional Missions?
Customers will get Bonus SmartPoins every time they complete each mission. If the customer has completed all the missions, then the customer will get a Mission Gift Chest and the opportunity to get a WOW prize in the form of an internet quota bonus of up to 5gr Precious Metals if lucky.
- How can I redeem a prize?
For prizes reaching the level in the form of Multimedia Quota Bonus/Internet Quota can be directly enjoyed by customers when the customer has opened the Treasure Chest no later than 1×24 hours after claiming the prize. For physical gifts or prizes other than SmartPoin and Quota Bonus, the customer will be contacted by Smartfren Customer Care via email or telephone for the verification process and gift handover.
- What can I do if daily check-in failed?
Please do manual check-in by choose the Daily Treasure icon. If the check in still fails, Please contact Smartfren Customer Care on Help & Support Page, you can reach our officer via e-mail, live chat, or 24 hours hotline by dialing 888 from your Smartfren number.
- Can I invite friends to join?
Of Course. You can share your own referral code to invite friends and get the referral rewards together for you and your friends. You and your friends will get bonus quota 1GB free Yotuube valid for 7 days.
- How to check the bonus after invite friends or relatives ?
You can check the bonus through MySmartfren application, by dialing *999# or contacting Smartfren customer call at 888 or 0881223344 or at 021 – 50100000 if contacting from other operators. Number of invitee will be updated on mySF application H+1 after the referral code successfully claimed by invitee.
- What is Donation Menu and how the mechanism of Donation Menu?
The Donation Program is an additional program from Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt 2022 that allows Smartfren customers to share with others in need. All Smartfren customers can participate in donating or sharing via the donation menu in Treasure Hunt as long as their Smartfren number is still active.
- How can i participate to donation in Treasure Hunt?
You can participate in donating to Treasure Hunt by going to the Treasure Hunt main menu and entering the Donation menu. You can donate using SmartPoin by selecting the available donation nominal. Also make sure the Smartfren number is active.
Daily Treasure
- What is Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure?
Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure is a program for Smartfren’s users (Prepaid and Postpaid ) to get daily bonuses just by checking in or opening MySmartfren application and clicking the Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure’s icon on MySmartfren homepage every day.
- When will the Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure program start?
Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure program period will be running from March 7th, 2022 until December 31st, 2022.
- Who can participate in the Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure program?
All Smartfren’s users both prepaid and postpaid with active customer status can participate in Smartfren WOW Daily Treasure.
- Can the Customer can check-in multiple times in one day?
The customers can check-in only once a day.
- What bonuses will be given to the customer from Daily check-in?
Check in on 1st day, customers will get 10 SmartPoin. On the 2nd day of check-in, customer will get 15 SmartPoin. Check-in on 3rd day, customer will get 20 SmartPoin. Check-in on the 4th day, customer will get 25 SmartPoin. Check-in on 5th day, customer will get 30 SmartPoin. And check-in on 6th day, customer will get 35 SmartPoin.
- What is the bonus for the Customer who is checked-in for 7 consecutive days?
After 7 days consecutive check-in, the customers will be given an option to get 40 SmartPoin or get 1GB YouTube Package (available for 7 days), by exchange 135 SmartPoin.
- How if the Customer didn’t checked-in for a day?
If the customer didn’t check-in for 1 day, then the daily check-in will be counted as day one check-in when the customers check in back the next day. For Example, customers who have checked in until 3rd day but didn’t check-in on the 4th day, then later if the customer check-in, the daily check-in will be counted as first check-in (start from day one).
Treasure Hunt Mission
- What is Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program?
Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program is a program for Smartfren users (Prepaid and Postpaid) who have a chance to do certain activities and get additional prizes.
- When will the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program be held?
The Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program period runs from March 7th, 2022 until December 31st, 2022.
- Who can participate in the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program?
All active Smartfren users can participate in the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program.
- How to join the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program?
Smartfren users can join Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program by accessing Treasure Hunt Main Page Menu and clicking the Mission/Challenge menu.
- What prizes will users receive when following the Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program?
The Smartfren WOW Treasure Hunt Mission Program can be followed by customers at any time without the customer having to reach the tier first.
- How to check bonuses or prizes after completing the mission?
You can check the bonus through mySF application then go to SmartPoin menu. To checking prizes from mission you can access Vouchers menu or by dialing *999# or contacting Smartfren customer call at 888 or 08811223344 or 021- 50100000 if contacting from other operators.
Log in on MySF to claim treasures and check your position.
Enter your smartphone number to participate in Rejeki WOW Treasure Hunt program
How to check your phone number for Smartfren only
Dial up
Send SMS
to 995