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Terms & Condition

By using smartfren’s prepaid telecommunication services and every service used through prepaid smartfren card, you (“Customer”) agreed to be bound by, to conform with and to carry out all terms and conditions of smartfren prepaid telecommunication services Subscription ("Subscription Terms"), includes every amendments thereto from time to time, as set out herein below:

  1. “smartfren" refers to PT Smart Telecom, the company providing Telecommunication Services with “SMARTFREN” trademark and/or other trademarks used from time to time.
  2. "Telecommunication Services" are prepaid telecommunication services provided by smartfren to Customers from time to time.
  3. "smartfren Number" means smartfren’s prepaid number, which is selected at the registration and useable for the Customer to enjoy Telecommunication Services.
  4. smartfren Customer Care” is a 24-hour customer care services by dialing 888 from smartfren Number or 08811223344 from non-smartfren Number or through other features/tools available to the Customer.
  5. “Masa Aktif” adalah masa aktif kartu smartfren prabayar sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh smartfren.
  6. Grace Period” or “1-way Block” is a condition where the Customer unable tomake outgoing calls/telephone calls, sending short message services (SMS) and use data / internet access services), however Customer may still able to receive incoming calls, SMS, and other telecommunication services which are free of charge.
  7. “Suspend” or “2-way Blocking” is a condition where the Customer is unable to make and receive calls, SMS, and use data/internet access services temporarily.
  8. "Deactivation" or “Termination” is a condition where the Customer unable to enjoy Telecommunication Services permanently.
  9. “Pulsa” adalah satuan perhitungan biaya penggunaan layanan Jasa Telekomunikasi. Saldo Pulsa pada kartu smartfren prabayar tidak sama dan bukan merupakan alat pembayaran pengganti mata uang rupiah.
  1. To be able to enjoy Telecommunication Services, the Customer must carry out prior activation/registration with the following mechanism: (i) sending personal data via SMS to number 4444, or (ii) calling smartfren Customer Service, or (iii) through the service menu customer on the smartfren’s website (www.smartfren.com), or (iv) other mechanisms that will be used by smartfren in the future and informed to the Customer.
  2. The Customer represents and warrants that:
    • a. All information, description, data submitted by the Customer at the time of registration is true, accurate, and entitled. All copies/copies of identity and any other documents submitted to smartfren are true and in accordance with the originals.
    • b. Customers is required to always comply with, fulfill and agree to comply with and bind themselves to each of these Subscription Terms and the terms and conditions as available on the smartfren website (www.smartfren.com);
    • c. The usage of smartfren Number and utilization of Telecommunication Services shall only for the benefit of Customers and shall be in conformity with these Subscription Terms, specific terms and conditions of the usage for each service on the smartfren website, the provision of applicable regulations/laws and norms that apply in Indonesia from time to time;
    • d. will not use the smartfren Number and Telecommunication Services as a means/facility for activities/action that are [suspected] violating the provision of applicable regulations/laws and/or harming smartfren;
    • e. The Customer releases and discharge smartfren including any directors, commissioners, employees, shareholders, affiliates, and vendors/business partners of smartren from all claims, lawsuits, claims, costs (including attorney fees), and/or compensation from any party (including Customers) and in any way related to:
      • (i) failure to function, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay on transmission, telecommunication disconnection or any specific result from the usage and/or the incapability to take advantage of one or more service; or
      • (ii) the Customer violation/negligence to fulfill one or more of the Subscription Terms herein; or
      • (iii) it had occurred, or indicatively suspected of misuse/abuse of smartfren Number or Telecommunication Services, use of telecommunication device (“Device”), that lead to a physical damage, illness, health risk or any other damage that afflict the Customer or other parties; or
      • (iv) act of renewal/modification, suspension and/or termination of services performed by smartfren under these Subscription Terms.
    • f. The Customer has read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions as stated in these Subscription Terms.
  1. The smartfren Number is belonging to smartfren, and Smartfren grants its permission to the Customer to use the smartfren Number subject to the Customer compliance to these Subscription Terms.
  2. a. Jika kartu perdana smartfren prabayar tidak dilakukan aktivasi hingga melewati masa berlaku, maka (i) kartu perdana smartfren prabayar tidak dapat diaktifkan dan seluruh saldo Pulsa yang tertera pada kartu perdana smartfren prabayar akan hilang; (ii) kartu perdana smartfren prabayar tersebut tidak dapat dikembalikan kepada smartfren untuk diganti dengan kartu perdana smartfren prabayar yang masih berlaku. b. Pelanggan dapat mengajukan permohonan penggunaan kembali Nomor smartfren prabayar yang telah di-Deaktivasi dengan ketentuan (i) nomor tersebut belum digunakan oleh pelanggan lain; dan (ii) tunduk pada kebijakan smartfren yang berlaku dari waktu ke waktu, termasuk mengenakan biaya kepada Pelanggan.
  3. The Customer are solely responsible for the usage of smartfren Number and Telecommunication Services, including but not limited to the obligation to pay off all bills that arise, as well as any consequences/risks of the usage of smartfren Number by third parties irresponsibly.
  4. Pelanggan wajib segera melaporkan ke Layanan Pelanggan smartfren atau mendatangi galeri smartfren apabila kartu smartfren prabayar hilang atau dicuri untuk dilakukan pemblokiran Nomor smartfren.
  5. Pelanggan dapat mendatangi galeri smartfren terdekat untuk mengajukan penggantian kartu smartfren prabayar yang hilang atau rusak dengan membawa kartu identitas Pelanggan yang valid sesuai dengan data yang tercantum pada saat registrasi maupun dokumen lain yang diminta oleh smartfren (jika ada) dengan tunduk pada kebijakan yang berlaku di smartfren dari waktu ke waktu.
  6. Smartfren atas kebijakaannya sendiri berhak mengganti kartu smartfren prabayar yang rusak atau tidak berfungsi secara baik atau hilang dan membebankan biaya administrasi maupun biaya penggantian kartu smartfren prabayar kepada Pelanggan. Kehilangan Pulsa pada kartu smartfren prabayar milik Pelanggan yang rusak atau hilang sepenuhnya menjadi risiko Pelanggan.
  7. The Customer may transfers its rights to use of the smartfren Number to another party subject to the applicable policies at smartfren from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, smartfren has the solely and unquestionable right to approve or disapprove the transfer of rights to the use of the smartfren card submitted by the Customer. Should the transfer is carried out without smartfren's consent, then the Customer remains solely responsible for all consequences of the transfer/use of the smartfren Number.
  8. Dalam hal Nomor smartfren Pelanggan telah dilakukan pemblokiran secara permanen atau terminasi, maka smartfren berhak untuk menggunakan kembali Nomor smartfren tersebut untuk pelanggan lain
  1. smartfren will provide Telecommunication Services in accordance with the capabilities of the telecommunications facilities it operates and as long as the smartfren network is available. Information and terms and conditions for the use of each of these telecommunications services can be found on the smartfren’s website (www.smartfren.com).
  2. In order to maintain and/or improve service quality, smartfren from time to time may perform maintenance or repair of telecommunication networks, either routinely or incidentally. smartfren will try so that the maintenance or repair does not reduce the quality of Telecommunication Services.
  3. Jaringan telekomunikasi yang dipergunakan untuk layanan Jasa Telekomunikasi adalah jaringan telekomunikasi yang telah dibangun dan dioperasikan oleh smartfren di Indonesia. Mengingat sifat dan tekhnologi dari jaringan telekomunikasi seluler, terdapat beberapa kondisi yang dapat menyebabkan bervariasinya tingkat layanan Jasa Telekomunikasi, termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada:
    • network coverage (coverage area) at the Customer's location;
    • geographic conditions at the Customer's location; and
    • the structure and/or location of the building where the Customer uses the Telecommunication Service; and
    • weather conditions.
  4. The quality of Telecommunication Services may experience a decrease in the event of other circumstances that are beyond smartfren's control or reasonable control (force majeure).
  1. The Customer agrees to pay in full all costs incurred in connection with the use of Telecommunication Services in accordance with the tariff provisions in force at the time the usage is made. The tariff of the Telecommunication Service usage will be deducted directly from the Customer's prepaid Credit balance.
  2. In order to ensure the continuity of the enjoyment Telecommunication Services by the Customer, the Customer is expected to always ensure its smartfren’s Number has sufficient Credit balance or its Credit balance is still valid.
  3. The Customers may find out information concerning its Credit balance, the validity period of its Credits balance, or the amount bills of the usage the Telecommunication by contacting smartfren Customer Service or by pressing the *999# button (directly from the Customer's telephone) or via SMS typing CEK send to 999 (from the smartfren number he uses).
Untuk menjaga kesinambungan layanan Jasa Telekomunikasi bagi Pelanggan smartfren prabayar, Pelanggan harus melakukan isi ulang (top-up) Pulsa sebelum Masa Aktif berakhir. Selanjutnya, Masa Aktif yang berlaku akan mengikuti masa aktif per-denominasi saldo Pulsa yang dipilih oleh Pelanggan.
Pelanggan dengan ini mengetahui dan menyetujui, smartfren berhak melakukan Grace Period, Suspend atau Deaktivasi terhadap nomor Pelanggan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
  1. Masa Tenggang/Grace Period. Apabila Pelanggan lalai/tidak melakukan isi ulang (top-up) Pulsa sampai dengan berakhirnya masa berlaku. Agar Pelanggan dapat menikmati kembali layanan Jasa Telekomunikasi, maka Pelanggan diharapkan melakukan isi ulang (top-up) Pulsa sebelum berakhirnya Masa Tenggang, yaitu 30 (tiga puluh) hari sejak berakhirnya masa berlaku Pulsa. Isi ulang (top-up) Pulsa yang dilakukan oleh Pelanggan setelah melewati Masa Tenggang, akan mengakibatkan sisa saldo Pulsa Pelanggan menjadi hangus.
  2. Suspend. Apabila Pelanggan tetap tidak melakukan isi ulang (top-up) Pulsa sampai dengan berakhirnya Masa Tenggang. Selama Masa Tunggu ini, Pelanggan masih dapat mengaktifkan kembali nomor Pelanggan dan menikmati kembali layanan Jasa Telekomunikasi, dengan melakukan isi ulang (top-up) Pulsa minimal senilai Rp 5.000,- (lima ribu Rupiah) selambat-lambatnya 150 (seratus lima puluh) hari sejak berakhirnya Masa Tenggang.
  3. Deaktivasi. Apabila Pelanggan tetap tidak melakukan isi ulang (top-up) Pulsa sampai dengan berakhirnya Masa Tunggu. Dalam hal ini, Pelanggan sudah tidak dapat lagi menggunakan nomor Pelanggan dimaksud secara permanen.
  1. smartfren has the right to unilaterally suspend or block or terminate the provision of Telecommunication Services and/or these Subscription Terms, including terminate the Customer's smartfren Number, if there is (suspected to be) one or more of the following events occured:
    • a. informasi yang disampaikan atau diberikan oleh Pelanggan kepada smartfren adalah tidak benar/tidak akurat/menyesatkan; atau
    • b. Pelanggan terbukti atau terindikasi melakukan pelanggaran atas hukum/peraturan atau atau melanggar salah satu atau lebih Ketentuan Berlangganan ini; atau
    • c. Pelanggan tidak (dapat) memenuhi kewajibannya sebagaimana diatur dalam Ketentuan Berlangganan ini; atau
    • d. terjadi peristiwa force majeure yang berlangsung secara turut-menurut lebih dari 3 (tiga) bulan; atau
    • e. terdapat permintaan/perintah resmi dari instansi Pemerintah yang berwenang; atau
    • f. kami mendeteksi atau menduga adanya indikasi awal penyalahgunaan /ketidakwajaran/mencurigakan terhadap penggunaan Nomor smartfren atau Jasa Telekomunikasi, termasuk penggunaan Jasa Telekomunikasi diluar batas kewajaran; atau
    • g. kami tidak lagi menjalankan bisnis/mengoperasikan satu atau lebih Jasa Telekomunikasi dengan pertimbangan tertentu atau diwajibkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di wilayah Indonesia; atau
    • h. adanya perbaikan, perubahan atau pemeliharaan pada server dan/atau jaringan smartfren; atau
    • i. adanya kerusakan secara teknis pada server dan/atau jaringan smartfren;
    • j. Pelanggan meninggal dunia, dinyatakan pailit/bangkrut, dilikuidasi, berada di bawah pengawasan kurator atau ditempatkan di bawah pengampuan; atau
    • k. apabila Pelanggan tetap tidak melakukan top-up Pulsa hingga batas waktu berakhirnya Masa Tunggu (Suspend);
    • l. Dengan pertimbangan wajar tertentu, Pelanggan atau smartfren mengakhiri Ketentuan Berlangganan.
  2. In connection with the termination of these Terms of Service, smartfren and the Customer agree to waive the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of article 1266 of the KUHPerdata.
  1. Tidak dilaksanakannya atau tertundanya pelaksanaan sebagian atau keseluruhan kewajiban berdasarkan Ketentuan Berlangganan ini oleh smartfren, tidak dianggap sebagai pelanggaran jika hal tersebut terjadi karena keadaan diluar kendali smartfren (force majeure), termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada:
    • a. bencana alam;
    • b. peristiwa kebakaran, pemogokan, perang, huru-hara, pemberontakan atau tindakan militer lainnya;
    • c. tindakan pihak/instansi berwenang yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan penyelenggaraan Jasa Telekomunikasi;
    • d. tindakan pihak ketiga yang menyebabkan smartfren tidak dapat menyediakan Jasa Telekomunikasi;
    • e. gangguan/kerusakan pada server/jaringan telekomunikasi yang bukan disebabkan oleh kelalaian smartfren;
    • f. pemberlakukan kebijakan/peraturan dari instansi yang berwenang/pemerintah yang berdampak pada kelangsungan penyediaan Jasa Telekomunikasi atau pemberlakukan tarif.
  2. The Customer agrees to provide smartfren with the approval and authority using these Subscription Terms and any modification, addition or updates thereof, including records, information or data related to the Customer in any form that smartfren obtained from the Customer for smartfren's needs and benefits, and related to the solicitation of product/service offers from other parties that collaborates with smartfren or related to the customer loyalty programs.
  3. The Customer agrees and has no objection to receive the offers information and/or the products/services/marketing programs information related to the Telecommunication Services from smartfren and/or from other parties that collaborates with smartfren.
  4. smartfren may at anytime hold a promotion activity (“Promo”) with different terms and conditions for each Promo activity. The Customer is encouraged to read each detailed terms and conditions for each Promo.
  5. These Subscription Terms contain terms and conditions for all smartfren customers who use the products and/or Telecommunication Services in the form of voice service, short message service/SMS, and data service, value addes service, solution service, content service, features, media social using the smartfren Number,and smartfren products/services that are accessed through websites and other internet media as well as smartfren telecommunication networks. More specific terms and conditions are further set forth in the terms and conditions of each smartfren service.
  6. These Subscription Terms are subject to, governed and interpreted according to the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. If both parties are unable to resolve the dispute amicably, smartfren and the Customer agree to settle the dispute to the court and for this purpose, both parties hereby choose as their domicile, the Office of the Registrar of the District Court of Central Jakarta (Kantor Panitera Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat).
  7. The Customer is encouraged to always visit this page to understand the updates of these Subscription Terms.
Diperbaharui terakhir [03/07/2023]

Dengan menggunakan jasa telekomunikasi smartfren ELITE dan setiap layanan yang dipergunakan melalui kartu smartfren ELITE, anda (“Pelanggan”) telah setuju untuk mengikatkan diri, tunduk pada dan melaksanakan seluruh syarat dan ketentuan berlangganan jasa telekomunikasi smartfren ELITE yang tercantum dalam formulir aplikasi berlangganan, syarat dan ketentuan yang tercantum dalam situs web smartfren terkait penggunaan layanan smartfren ELITE (“Ketentuan Berlangganan”) berikut setiap perubahannya dari waktu ke waktu, sebagaimana ditetapkan di bawah ini:

  1. “smartfren” merujuk kepada PT Smart Telecom, perusahaan penyedia Jasa Telekomunikasi dengan merek dagang “smartfren” atau nama lain yang digunakan dari waktu ke waktu.
  2. “Telecommunication Services” means smartfren ELITE telecommunication services provided by smartfren to the Customer from time to time.
  3. “smartfren Number” means smartfren ELITE’s number, which is selected at the registration and useable for the Customer to enjoy Telecommunication Services.
  4. “Layanan Pelanggan smartfren” adalah layanan pelanggan/call center 24 jam yang disediakan oleh smartfren, dengan menghubungi 888 dari nomor smartfren atau 08811223344 dari nomor bukan smartfren atau melalui fitur/tool lainnya yang tersedia bagi Pelanggan
  1. These Subscription Terms apply as a binding agreement with the Customer, and will continue to apply until terminated in accordance with these Subscription Terms.
  2. The Customer represents and warrants that:
    • a. All information, description, data submitted by the Customer at the time of registration is true, accurate, and entitled. All copies/copies of identity and any other documents submitted to smartfren are true and in accordance with the originals.
    • b. Customers is required to always comply with, fulfill and agree to comply with and bind themselves to each of these Subscription Terms and the terms and conditions as available on the smartfren website (www.smartfren.com);
    • c. The usage of smartfren Number and utilization of Telecommunication Services shall only for the benefit of Customers and shall be in conformity with these Subscription Terms, specific terms and conditions of the usage for each service on the smartfren website, the provision of applicable regulations/laws and norms that apply in Indonesia from time to time;
    • d. will not use the smartfren Number and Telecommunication Services as a means/facility for activities/action that are [suspected] violating the provision of applicable regulations/laws and/or harming smartfren;
    • e. The Customer releases and discharge smartfren including any directors, commissioners, employees, shareholders, affiliates, and vendors/business partners of smartren from all claims, lawsuits, claims, costs (including attorney fees), and/or compensation from any party (including Customers) and in any way related to:
      • (i) failure to function, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay on transmission, telecommunication disconnection or any specific result from the usage and/or the incapability to take advantage of one or more service; or
      • (ii) the Customer violation/negligence to fulfill one or more of the Subscription Terms herein; or
      • (iii) it had occurred, or indicatively suspected of misuse/abuse of smartfren Number or Telecommunication Services, use of telecommunication device (“Device”), that lead to a physical damage, illness, health risk or any other damage that afflict the Customer or other parties; or
      • (iv) act of renewal/modification, suspension and/or termination of services performed by smartfren under these Subscription Terms.
    • f. The Customer has read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions as stated in these Subscription Terms.
      • a. nama orang yang menandatangani formulir berlangganan adalah pihak yang cakap dan berwenang sesuai dengan peraturan/hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia, untuk menandatangani formulir berlangganan dan melaksanakan Ketentuan Berlangganan ini;
      • b. segala informasi, keterangan, data yang disampaikan oleh Pelanggan pada saat melakukan registrasi adalah benar, akurat, dan berhak. Semua salinan/copy identitas diri dan dokumen lain yang diberikan kepada smartfren adalah benar dan sesuai dengan aslinya;
      • c. Pelanggan wajib untuk senantiasa mematuhi, memenuhi, dan setuju untuk tunduk serta mengikatkan diri terhadap setiap Ketentuan Berlangganan ini dan syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan khusus atas masing-masing layanan yang terdapat pada website smartfren (www.smartfren.com);
      • d. Penggunaan Nomor smartfren dan pemanfaatan Jasa Telekomunikasi hanya untuk kepentingan Pelanggan dan harus sesuai dengan Ketentuan Berlangganan ini, syarat dan ketentuan pada website smartfren, ketentuan peraturan/hukum dan norma-norma yang berlaku di Indonesia dari waktu ke waktu;
      • e.Tidak akan menggunakan Nomor smartfren dan Jasa telekomunikasi sebagai sarana/fasilitas untuk kegiatan/aktivitas yang [terindikasi] melanggar ketentuan peraturan/hukum yang berlaku dan/atau merugikan smartfren;
      • f. Pelanggan membebaskan dan melepaskan smartfren termasuk setiap direksi, komisaris, karyawan, pemegang saham, afiliasi, dan vendor/mitra usaha smartfren dari segala tuntutan, gugatan, klaim, biaya-biaya (termasuk biaya pengacara), dan/atau ganti kerugian dari pihak manapun (termasuk Pelanggan) dan dalam bentuk apapun terkait dengan:
        • (iii) telah terjadi atau diduga adanya penggunaan/penyalahgunaan Nomor smartfren atau Jasa Telekomunikasi, penggunaan perangkat telekomunikasi (“Device”), yang menyebabkan cidera fisik, penyakit, risiko kesehatan atau kerusakan lainnya yang menimpa Pelanggan atau orang lain, atau
        • (iv) keterlambatan/kelalaian/kegagalan/kesalahan pendebetan yang dilakukan oleh bank atau jasa penyedia pembayaran; atau
        • (v) tindakan pembaharuan/modifikasi, penangguhan dan/atau penghentian layanan yang dilakukan oleh smartfren menurut Ketentuan Berlangganan ini.
      • g. Pelanggan telah membaca, mengerti, dan setuju terhadap seluruh syarat dan ketentuan sebagaimana tercantum dalam Ketentuan Berlangganan ini
  1. The smartfren Number is belonging to smartfren, and Smartfren grants its permission to the Customer to use the smartfren Number subject to the Customer compliance to these Subscription Terms.
  2. The Customers are solely responsible for the usage of smartfren Number and Telecommunication Services, including but not limited to the obligation to pay off all bills that arise, as well as any consequences/risks of the usage of smartfren Number by third parties irresponsibly.
  3. The Customer must immediately report to the smartfren Customer Care or visiting the nearest smartfren Gallery if the Smartrfren card has been lost or stolen in order to block the Smartfren Number.
  4. The Customer may visit the nearest Smartfren gallery to submit a replacement for the lost or damaged smartfren card accompanied with a valid Customer identity card according to the data recorded at the time of registration or other documents requested by smartfren (if any) subject to the applicable policies at smartfren from time to time.
  5. smartfren at its sole discretion, has the right to replace the damaged or malfunctioning or lost smartfren card and charge the Customer with administration fees and replacement costs for the smartfren card. The reduced of credit limit on the Customer's damaged or lost smartfren card is entirely at the Customer's risk.
  6. The Customer may transfer its right to use of the smartfren Number to another party subject to the applicable policies at smartfren from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, smartfren has the solely and unquestionable right to approve or disapprove the transfer of rights to the use of the smartfren card submitted by the Customer. Should the transfer is carried out without smartfren's consent, then the Customer remains solely responsible for all consequences of the transfer/use of the smartfren Number.
  7. In the event that the Customer's smartfren Number has been permanently blocked or terminated, smartfren has the right to reuse the said smartfren Number for other customer.
  1. smartfren will provide Telecommunication Services in accordance with the capabilities of the telecommunications facilities it operates and as long as the smartfren network is available. For subscription packages with a certain minimum subscription period ("Subscription Packages") and/or additional services provided by third parties, the Customer acknowledges and agrees to:
    1. repair of damage to telecommunications equipment ("Device") refers to the terms of the Device warranty from the relevant manufacturers;
    2. loss/misuse of the Device is entirely at the Customer's risk;
    3. damage to the Device/during Device repair cannot be used as an excuse by the Customer to be refuse or delay payment of the bill;
    4. the provision of additional services will be available as long as the collaboration between smartfren and the third party is still ongoing.
  2. In order to maintain and/or improve service quality, smartfren from time to time may perform maintenance or repair of telecommunication networks, either routinely or incidentally. smartfren will try so that the maintenance or repair does not reduce the quality of Telecommunication Services.
  3. The telecommunications network used is the telecommunications network operated by smartfren in Indonesia. Considering the nature and technology of the cellular telecommunications network, there are certain conditions that may cause variations in the level of Telecommunication Service services, including but not limited to:
    1. network coverage (coverage area) at the Customer's location;
    2. geographic conditions at Customer's location;
    3. the structure and/or location of the building where the Customer uses the Telecommunication Service; and
    4. weather conditions.
  4. The quality of Telecommunication Services may decrease in the event of other circumstances which are beyond smartfren's reasonable control (force majeure).
  1. The Customer agrees to pay all costs associated with the Telecommunication Service subscription in accordance with the smartfren applicable tariff provisions from time to time. Should any difference the billing amount between the Customer's billing statement and the smartfren system, then the billing amount recorded on smartfren system will prevail.
  2. Billing of the usage international roaming services shall be in conformity with the information and usage data provided by partner operators or international roaming to smartfren without overriding smartfren'sinternal system records. While abroad, the Customer agrees to be charged with international roaming, both for incoming calls, outgoing calls (including calls to smartfren Customer Care numbers), sending SMS, fees for incomplete calls (busy tones, notification tones), as well as data access. The Customer will be charged by the partner operator for successful or unsuccessful calls. The Customer acknowledges and agrees:
    1. to pay all fees/bills incurred for the usage of international roaming services including if the amount of usage/fees/bills exceeds the credit limit;
    2. recording for the usage of telecommunications services while abroad (roaming) may take place in stages and be charged in the Customer’s bill no later than 3 (three) months from the date of the usage of the roaming service. The Customer hereby agrees and is obliged to pay the entire amount of the said usage/fees/bill.
  3. For Subscription Packages, the Customer agrees to pay the bill every month according to:
    1. the minimum monthly usage (“Minkom”) according to the chosen package, if the Customer's usage does not reach the Minkom limit; or
    2. the amount of usage/fees listed on the bill, if the Customer's usage exceeds Minkom. After the expiration of the minimum subscription period for the Subscription Package (“Contract Period”), then: (i) if the Customer does not apply for the termination of the Subscription Package, the selected package will be automatically renewed every month (auto renewal); (ii) The Customer may changes the package by contacting the call center at 888 (from smartfren Number) or visiting the nearest smartfren Gallery.
  4. The Customer agrees to pay all bills in full no later than the billing due date of each month. For bills in hardcopy form, the Customer agrees to be charged according to the smartfren applicable policy. The Customer may find out the billing amount by contacting smartfren customer service or pressing the *999# button from the Customer's telephone/Device (smartfren Number). The Customer is still obliged to pay the bill despite not having had received a billing statement.
  5. The Customer can make payments through the following:
    1. Cash or transfer according to the payment locket or account written on the billing statement;
    2. Auto debit from the Customer’s bank account or credit card;
    3. Any other payment method available for the Customer in the future.
  6. Should the Customer fails to make payments according to the billing amount or the payment due date, smartfren has the right to impose fines and/or carry out actions deemed necessary, including legal action against the Customer for the purpose of obtaining payment bill in full for:
    1. all fees owed by the Customer;
    2. all losses suffered by smartfren;
    3. any and all costs that have been incurred by smartfren in seeking the implementation of the said bill payment.
  7. For the auto debit payment method through the credit card or bank account:
    1. any change in the bank account or credit card number includes among others to the expiration of the credit card or change of the Customer's address must be notified to smartfren no later than 2 (two) weeks prior to the change of bank account or credit card number, change of address, or expiration of the credit card becomes effective,
    2. bill payment will be made by the relevant credit card issuer or bank at smartfren's request based on the auto debit authorization provided by the Customer. Should the said credit card issuer or bank under any circumstances does not or fails to make an auto debit, the Customer is required to pay the bill directly to smartfren,
    3. the Customer acknowledges and agrees, from time to time, smartfren has the right to appoint a different bank to carry out the auto debit process for the account or credit card Customer. The Customer grants smartfren the right, approval, and power to transfer the Customer's credit card payment system to auto pay to the credit card issuer, including but not limited to changes in credit card or credit card numbers or credit card validity periods.
  8. The Customer's obligation to make payments for Telecommunication Service fees has been fulfilled after the payment funds are received by smartfren or received in smartfren's bank account (good funds).
  9. The blocking action conducted by smartfren for whatever reason, does not reduce or eliminate the Customer's obligation to continue to pay bills owed to smartfren at once.
  10. smartfren at its own discretion is entitled to use the Customer deposit for the Customer's payment obligations fulfillment to smartfren, without reducing the Customer's obligation to continue to pay off the remaining payment if the Customer's deposit is insufficient. The remaining deposit will be returned to the Customer after the Customer requests to unsubscribe through the smartfren gallery. A deposit refund application (if any) can be made starting from the time the Customer requests to unsubscribe from Telecommunication Services up to the following 1 (one) year. To the extent permitted by applicable law, if the Customer does not submit a deposit refund during the 1 (one) year period, the Customer agrees to waive his rights in connection with the withdrawal of the said deposit and therefore the deposit will be forfeited and no longer refundable. The time limit for the refund deposit process to the Customer is 15 (fifteen) working days from the receipt of the written request for a refund deposit by smartfren and all requirements have been fulfilled and no outstanding payment bill. The bank transfer cost for such deposit refund (if any) shall fully borne by the Customer.
  1. smartfren has the right to unilaterally suspend or block or terminate the provision of Telecommunication Services and/or these Subscription Terms, including terminate the Customer's smartfren Number, if there is (suspected to be) one or more of the following events occured:
    1. the information submitted or provided by the Customer to smartfren is incorrect/inaccurate/misleading; or
    2. the Customer is proven or suspected violating a law/regulation or breach one or more of these Subscription Terms; or
    3. the Customer fails to fulfill any obligation as set out in these Subscription Terms; or
    4. There was a force majeure event which took place according to more than 3 (three) months; or
    5. there is an official request/order from any relevant government authority; or
    6. we detect or suspect that there is early abuse/irregularity/suspicious indications on the usage of the smartfren Number or Telecommunication Services, including the usage of Telecommunication Services beyond the normal limits; or
    7. we are no longer carrying out the business/operations of one or more Telecommunication Service with certain consideration(s) or required under prevailing law and regulation in Indonesia territory; or
    8. there is repairs, modification, or maintenance on the server and/or smartfren's network; or
    9. any technical interference to the server and/or smartfren's network; or
    10. the Customer have passed away, filed for bankruptcy, liquidated, put under the supervision of the curator or under surveillance; or
    11. if one of the smartfren Number registered under the Customer’s name has an outstanding bill; or
    12. the Customer does not pass the verification/validation and survey conducted by smartfren.
  2. The Customer may unsubscribe the Telecommunication Services, provided that:
    1. The Customer is required to visit the nearest smartfren gallery and pay all remaining bills (if any), both those that have been printed (billed) and those that have not been printed (unbilled),
    2. Should the Customer activates international roaming services, the submission of an application to unsubscribe from smartfren ELITE services can be made at least 100 (one hundred) calendar days after the deactivation of international roaming services.
  3. Should the Customer does not pass the data validation and survey stages, the Customer still able to enjoy the Telecommunication Services for the next 30 (thirty) days from the registration/activation date in the amount of the up-front payment. After the end of the said 30 (thirty) days, smartfren will terminate the smartren Number used by the Customer. If the said period of 30 (thirty) days exceeds the billing cycle date, the Customer is subject to a minimum payment according to the chosen package.
  4. Should the termination of the Telecommunication Service is due to whatsoever reason, the Customer agrees and authorizes smartfren to deduct the Customer deposit according to the billing amount which becomes the Customer's obligation, both printed (billed) or unprinted (unbilled). The Customer is still required to make payments to smartfren at the time determined by smartfren, if the deposit amount is insufficient to pay the Customer's bill.
  5. Should these Subscription Terms are terminated for any whatsoever reason, then all outstanding bills shall be paid immediately and at once by the Customer or his successor/heirs.
  6. Termination of these Subscription Terms does not eliminate the Customer's outstanding obligations. These Subscription Terms will continue enforce and binding to the Customer until all of the Customer's obligations to smartfren are fulfilled, including the payment of fines and penalties (if any).
  7. Should the Customer terminates the Subscription Package prior to the expiration of the Contract Period for any reason, the Customer agrees to be imposed to a penalty according to the chosen package and the Customer is still required to pay the Minkom arising prior to the termination of the Subscription Package becomes effective.
  8. In connection with the termination of these Subscription Terms, smartfren and the Customer agree to waive the provisions of second and third paragraphs of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code (KUHPerdata).
  1. Failure to perform or postpone the implementation of a part or a whole of the obligations under these Subscription Terms by smartfren, shall not be considered as a violation if it occurs due to circumstances beyond smartfren's control (force majeure), including but not limited to:
    1. natural disasters;
    2. event of wildfire, strike, war, riot, rebellion or other military action;
    3. authority actions that affect the continuation of the Telecommunication Services;
    4. third party actions that cause smartfren unable to provide part or whole Telecommunication Services;
    5. interference/disturbance/damage to the telecommunications server/network that is not caused by smartfren's negligence;
    6. enactment of policy from the government authorities that affects the continuation of the Telecommunication Service or the apply tariff.
  2. The Customer agrees to provide smartfren with the approval and authority using these Subscription Terms and any modification, addition or updates thereof, including records, information or data related to the Customer in any form that smartfren obtained from the Customer for smartfren's needs and benefits, and related to the solicitation of product/service offers from other parties that collaborates with smartfren or related to the customer loyalty programs.
  3. The Customer agrees and has no objection to receive the offers information and/or the products/services/marketing programs information related to the Telecommunication Services from smartfren and/or from other parties that collaborates with smartfren.
  4. smartfren may at anytime hold a promotion activity (“Promo”) with different terms and conditions for each Promo activity. The Customer is encouraged to read each detailed Terms and Conditions for each Promo.
  5. These Subscription Terms contain terms and conditions for all smartfren customers who use the products and/or Telecommunication Services in the form of voice service, short message service/SMS, and data service, value addes service, solution service, content service, features, media social using the smartfren Number,and smartfren products/services that are accessed through websites and other internet media as well as smartfren telecommunication networks. More specific terms and conditions are further set forth in the terms and conditions of each smartfren service.
  6. These Subscription Terms are subject to, governed and interpreted according to the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. If both parties are unable to resolve the dispute amicably, smartfren and the Customer agree to settle the dispute to the court and for this purpose, both parties hereby choose as their domicile, the Office of the Registrar of the District Court of Central Jakarta (Kantor Panitera Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat).
  7. The Customer is encouraged to always visit this page to understand the updates of these Subscription Terms.
Diperbaharui terakhir [12/05/2023]  

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