Voucher Data
Unlimited MAXI 7 Days
Rp 22.500
Valid for 7 days
Unlimited 24 hours
Fair usage limit 1GB/day
Extra Unlimited Midnight
Full speed at 01.00-04.59
Free Call
Free calls to smartfren user
Terms and Conditions Voucher Data Unlimited
Terms and Conditions Voucher Data Unlimited
- Voucher Data Unlimited are only valid for smartfren prepaid numbers.
- After Top Up, Unlimited Voucher Data will immediately become an internet plan and at the same time increase the card's active period.
- Customers can purchase Unlimited Voucher Data again before the active period of the existing Unlimited Voucher Data ends but it will not increase the daily fair usage limit (remains 1 GB / day) and the active period will follow the longest (following the active period of the last voucher).
- When the fair usage limit (FUP) per day has been reached, the speed will be adjusted to 128 Kbps or 64 Kbps. Normal speed (best effort) will be given back the next day at 00:00 (FUP is reset daily).
- Unlimited Voucher Data does not apply automatic renewal.
- If you want to extend the Unlimited plan, customers can buy the Unlimited plan through the mySF application or purchase this Unlimited Voucher Data again.
- When the validity period of the Unlimited Voucher Data has expired, the customer will be charged a regular internet tariff of IDR 2 / Kb, maximum IDR 15,000 / day (all areas outside Kalimantan and Sulawesi) or IDR 4 / Kb maximum IDR 30,000 / day (for Kalimantan and Sulawesi).
- Unlimited Voucher Data cannot be top up to Postpaid numbers, EVO numbers or numbers that are currently active on the Social Chat Data Plan.
- Unlimited Data plan with top up using Unlimited Voucher Data cannot be used on MiFi devices.
- The rules for having Volume Based plan together with the package from the Unlimited Voucher Data are as follows:
- If the customer has a Volume data quota, then this Data Volume quota will be consumed first.
- If the customer activates the Volume Based Package or Data Voucher when the customer has reached the fair usage limit (FUP), then the customer is advised to activate the airplane mode (Airplane Mode) for a moment to ensure that the speed returns to the best effort.
- To maintain the quality of smartfren Unlimited services and maintain equal quality of data access services for all smartfren users, if the amount of data / internet usage that has been accessed (download or upload) by the User has reached a certain amount of data usage, the user's data / internet access speed will be adjusted accordingly. up to a certain speed (Fair Usage Policy / FUP) up to 128 Kbps or 64Kbps. This Fair Usage Policy setting may be different for each data product service as mentioned in the description of each data product service smartfren offers.
- Information on the amount of data usage subject to data access adjustments can be found at www.smartfren.com. Users can find out the amount of data / internet usage that has been accessed by contacting Smartfren customer care at the call center 24 hours 888 from your Smartfren number or 08811223344 from a non-Smartfren number
Get Unlimited Voucher Data at the nearest store and smartfren Galleries.
How to top up using Voucher Data: