Voucher Data
Kuota Nonstop 26GB
Rp 65.000
Valid for 28 days
24 hours quota
Extra Kuota (2GB/7 day)
Nonstop Internet Access
After Main Quota and Extra Quota runs out
Extra Unlimited Midnight
Full speed internet access from 01.00-05.00 WIB
Free Call
Free calls to smartfren user
Terms and Condition Nonstop Quota Voucher Data
Terms and Condition Nonstop Quota Voucher Data
- Voucher Data Kuota Nonstop tidak bisa dibeli dan di isi ulang pelanggan Paskabayar
- When the main quota of the non-stop Quota Voucher runs out, the customer can still access the internet at an adjusted speed until the end of the voucher
- To increase internet speed again when the main quota has run out, customers can do:
- Refill the Nonstop Quota data voucher or buy the Nonstop Quota Package
– Top up Volume Base Voucher or buy Volume base plan
- Fill in the Unlimited data voucher or buy the Unlimited package - Purchase the add On Unlimited package - If the active period of the Voucher ends and there is still Nonstop Quota remaining, the remaining quota will be forfeited and cannot be accumulated.
- Every purchase of Kuota Nonstop voucher data will add to the card's active period following the top up nominal
- When a customer has Nonstop Quota plan then buys Unlimited plan, all rules will follow the Unlimited rules
- If a Non-Stop Quota voucher is purchased more than once in a month, the non-stop Voucher Quota will not be accumulated, each filling will have its own active period.
- When Voucher Data or Kuota Nonstop Plan is purchased to 1ON + number it will give weekly bonus (following the terms & conditions of SP 1ON +)
- Smartfren has the right to revise, change and / or replace the existing terms and conditions for this Super 4G Quota Data Voucher Package at any time at Smartfren's own discretion without notification to the customer. Continuous use of this service after changes to the terms and conditions constitutes acceptance of these changes (if any).
- Customers are advised to visit this page periodically to review the terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions Extra Kuota Nonstop
Terms and Conditions Extra Kuota Nonstop
- This benefit applies to activation of Starter Cards, Data Vouchers & Non-Stop Quota Packages as of 18 March 2021
- The extra quota benefit will be obtained automatically when the customer activates the 45 thousand, 65 thousand & 100 thousand non-stop quota service
- The extra quota will be immediately given on the 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd day after the non-stop service is activated
- The active period for the extra quota benefit is 7 days
- If the quota is not used, the quota will be forfeited
- The order of priority for the most recent use
- The extra quota can only be used when the customer does not have a quota
- Extra quota benefits cannot be accumulated
- When a customer runs out of the main quota but still has an extra quota, then the customer does not need to buy a booster to be able to enjoy the Extra unlimited night full speed, as long as you still have extra quota, the speed you get from 01:00 to 05:00 is the best effort
Terms and Condition Extra Midnight Unlimited
Terms and Condition Extra Midnight Unlimited
- Extra Unlimited Midnight Full Speed applies to all Kuota Nonstop customers.
- Extra Unlimited Midnight Full Speed Benefit will be given when the customer activates, purchase voucher or purchases the plan as of January 7, 2021.
- The Extra Unlimited Midnight Full Speed benefit starts at 01: 00-05: 00 WIB and follows the active period of the main package.
- The active period for the Extra Unlimited Internet benefit at full speed follows the active period of the main package.
- Benefit Extra Unlimited Midnight Full Speed can be enjoyed without cutting the main quota as long as the usage does not exceed the fair usage limit set.
- The fair usage limit for the Full Speed Extra Unlimited Midnight Benefit provided is sufficient for the normal usage of the average customer.
- Customers can enjoy the Extra Unlimited Midnight Full Speed benefit as long as they have the main quota. If the main quota has run out, please purchase a Booster Package on the MySmartfren application.
- To optimize the use of night internet quota, at 01:00 WIB it is recommended to first turn off the data connection or enter "Airplane mode" for a few seconds, then reactivate the data connection.
Get Kuota Nonstop Voucher Data at the nearest store and smartfren Galleries.
How to top up using Voucher Data: