Starter Pack
Unlimited Harian 7 hari
Rp 22.500
Valid for 7 days
Unlimited 24 hours
Fair usage limit 1GB/day
Free Call
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Terms and Conditions Unlimited Starter Pack
Terms and Conditions Unlimited Starter Pack
- smartfren Unlimited is a data / internet access service, where Users can access data / internet with data access speeds up to a certain speed within a certain period of time ("Active Period")
- smartfren offers 2 (two) types of data plan of Unlimited, namely: (1) smartfren Unlimited; and (2) smartfren Unlimited Postpaid. Details of data access speed, tariff (daily or monthly), data plan, and other provisions of each smartfren Unlimited data access service can be seen on the smartfren website.
- To maintain the quality of smartfren Unlimited services and maintain equal quality of data access services for all smartfren users, if the amount of data / internet usage that has been accessed (download or upload) by the User has reached a certain amount of data usage, the user's data / internet access speed will be adjusted accordingly. up to a certain speed (Fair Usage Policy / FUP) up to 128 Kbps or 64Kbps. This Fair Usage Policy setting may be different for each data product service as mentioned in the description of each data product service smartfren offers.
- Information about the amount of data usage subject to data access adjustments can be read on the smartfren website. Users can find out the amount of data / internet usage that has been accessed by contacting smartfren customer care at the call center 24 hours 888 from your smartfren number or 08811223344 from a non-smartfren number.
- smartfren Unlimited service users who are subject to the provisions of data / internet access speed adjustments in point 3 above (H + 0), can enjoy again the data / internet access speed based on the smartfren Unlimited package selected by the User the following day (H + 1).
- To maintain the continuity of data services for smartfren Unlimited Postpaid Users at the end of the package subscription period, the data package will be automatically extended ("Auto Renewal"), as long as the User Credit Limit equal to the monthly tariff of the monthly smartfren Unlimited package. This Auto Renewal feature can be deactivated by deactivating the smartfren Unlimited service, through the MySmartfren application, before the expiration of the monthly smartfren Unlimited data package. For more information about this Auto Renewal feature, users can contact smartfren customer care at the call center 24 hours 888 from your smartfren number or 08811223344 from non-smartfren numbers. If the User chooses to deactivate the Auto Renewal feature, the User acknowledges and agrees that the User will be charged a regular rate according to the basic tariff for data services.
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