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Device Bundling

Save more with smartfren device bundling! Get your favorite device with big quota bonus.

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Check the answers about the product here

Device Bundling smartfren

  • 1. What benefits do I get from smartfren device bundling?

    Customers can save more by getting bonus quota of up to 384GB by purchasing device that bundle with Smartfren SIM Card. You are also free to change the number as you wish.

  • 2. Where can I get the device?

    Customers can get them at Smartfren Galleries and official stores such as Erafone or online from the websites of each brand

  • 3. How can I get the bonus quota?

    Customers only need to top up Rp.50,000, so customers will immediately get a bonus quota of up to 16GB and free call to other operators for the month, while Rp50,000 credit is still intact and can be used to purchase other internet plan. Purchasing internet plan can be made via MySmartfren application.

  • 4. How to change number?

    Customers can download mySF application and change the number through the menu in the application

  • 5. Can I use the Card immediately?

    Customers must do prepaid registration first before using Smartfren services.

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