Unlimited Nonstop 90 GB 90 Hari
Rp 195.000
Valid 90 Days
90 GB
24 Hours Quota
Nonstop Access
After Main Quota Runs Out
Free Call
To All smartfren User
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Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
- The ELITE Unlimited smartfren package is a data/internet access service, where users can access data/internet with data access speeds up to a certain speed within a certain period of time (Active Period). smartfren offers 2 (two) types of Unlimited Package data access services, namely: (1) Unlimited smartfren; and (2) ELITE smartphones. An explanation of the speed of data access, tariffs (daily or monthly), data access packages, and other provisions of each of the Smartfren Unlimited data access services can be seen on the smartfren website. This Unlimited Nonstop ELITE Smartfren Service Plan / Data Package provides a large 24-hour Main Quota and after the main quota runs out, you can still access internet in all applications without cutting credit at a speed that is adjusted until the package's active period ends. Main Quota (National Quota) can be used throughout the national smartphone network When the Main Quota is up, Customers can still make data connections with the speed limit that has been adjusted until the package period ends and enters the next billing period. Non-stop access applies specifically to applications that have been determined (special apps) such as: Whatsapp, Line, Discord, Grab, Gojek, Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Blibli, Lazada, Dana, Ovo, Linkaja, customers can still make data connections at full speed and daily fair limits apply. Customers will get full speed again the next day until the package expires. The remaining quota (if any) will be forfeited on the last day of the package's validity period. The Smartfren Elite Unlimited Nonstop Data Package is available with the Auto Renewal type (following the Billing Period / Follow Billing Cycle), can be purchased through the Smartfren Gallery and the MySmartfren Application (mySF). The Unlimited Nonstop Auto Renewal package can be purchased by new ELITE smartfren customers and customers who have subscribed to the smartfren postpaid service. When the Main Quota has been exhausted, to increase the internet access speed, customers can do: Purchase the Volume Base Non-Auto Renewal package Purchase the Add On package: Unlimited Booster Rp. 10 thousand, Rp. 5 thousand, Rp. 2 thousand and Full Speed Night Internet Booster (valid between 01:00 - 05:00 WIB) To purchase these packages, you can access them via the MySF app or via USSI, call *123# Unlimited Nonstop packages can be used on MiFi devices. By subscribing to the Unlimited Nonstop Package, customers also get the benefit of unlimited calls to all smartphone numbers as long as the package is active. The benefits of the Unlimited Nonstop package cannot be accumulated to the next month when the package's active period ends, even though the remaining quota is still there. When the active period of the Unlimited Nonstop Auto Renewal Package expires at the end of the billing period, the data package will be renewed/refreshed at the beginning of the next billing period. You can check the remaining quota via the MySmartfren application (mySF) or call *123#. The price of the Unlimited Nonstop package includes VAT. smartfren has the right to revise, change and/or replace the existing terms and conditions for this Nonstop Quota Package at any time at Smartfren's sole discretion without notification to the customer.
- smartfren offers 2 (two) types of Unlimited Package data access services, namely: (1) Unlimited smartfren; and (2) ELITE smartphones. An explanation of the speed of data access, tariffs (daily or monthly), data access packages, and other provisions of each of the Smartfren Unlimited data access services can be seen on the smartfren website.
- This Unlimited Nonstop ELITE Smartfren Service Plan / Data Package provides a large 24-hour Main Quota and after the main quota runs out, you can still access internet in all applications without cutting credit at a speed that is adjusted until the package's active period ends.
- Main Quota (National Quota) can be used throughout the national smartphone network
- When the Main Quota is up,
- Customers can still make data connections with the speed limit that has been adjusted until the package period ends and enters the next billing period.
- Akses Nonstop berlaku khusus untuk aplikasi-aplikasi yang telah ditentukan (special apps) seperti: Whatsapp, Line, Discord, Grab, Gojek, Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Blibli, Lazada, Dana, Ovo, Linkaja, pelanggan masih tetap dapat melakukan koneksi data dengan kecepatan penuh dan berlaku batas wajar harian. Pelanggan akan mendapatkan kecepatan penuh kembali keesokan harinya sampai dengan masa berlaku paket berakhir.
- The remaining quota (if any) will be forfeited on the last day of the package's validity period.
- Paket Data smartfren Elite Unlimited Nonstop 90 hari, 180 hari dan 360 hari tersedia dengan tipe benefit Auto Renewal setiap 30 hari. Paket Data smartfren Elite dapat dibeli melalui Galeri smartfren dan Aplikasi MySmartfren (mySF).
- Paket Unlimited Nonstop 90 hari, 180 hari dan 360 hari dapat dibeli oleh pelanggan smartfren ELITE baru dan pelanggan yang sudah berlangganan layanan pascabayar smartfren.
- When the Main Quota has been exhausted, to increase the internet access speed, the customer can do:
- Purchase the Volume Base Non-Auto Renewal package
- Purchase the Add On package: Unlimited Booster Rp10.000, Rp5.000, Rp2.000 and Full Speed Night Internet Booster (valid between 01:00 – 05:00 WIB)
- Untuk pembelian paket-paket tersebut bisa diakses melalui aplikasi MySF atau di Gallery
- Unlimited Nonstop packages can be used on MiFi devices.
- By subscribing to the Unlimited Nonstop Package, customers also get the benefit of unlimited calls to all smartphone numbers as long as the package is active.
- The benefits of the Unlimited Nonstop package cannot be accumulated to the next month when the package's active period ends, even though the remaining quota is still there.
- Pada saat masa benefit Paket Unlimited Nonstop 90 hari, 180 hari dan 360 hari sudah habis di akhir periode, maka benefit paket data tersebut akan diperbaharui kembali setiap 30 hari disesuaikan dengan paket yang dipilih
- Pada saat masa aktif Paket Unlimited Nonstop 90 hari, 180 hari dan 360 hari sudah habis di akhir periode, maka paket data tersebut tidak akan diperbaharui. Pelanggan dapat membeli paket yang sama kembali
- You can check the remaining quota via the MySmartfren application (mySF) or call *123#.
- Harga paket Unlimited Nonstop belum termasuk PPN.
- smartfren berhak untuk merevisi, mengubah dan / atau mengganti syarat dan ketentuan yang ada untuk Paket Elite Unlimited Nonstop ini setiap saat atas pertimbangan smartfren sendiri tanpa pemberitahuan kepada pelanggan.
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