FAQ Category: Promo
How do I get this promo?
Smartfren customers can get this promo by purchasing a data package minimum denom 100RB di shopee selama periode promo
How much discount do customers get when participating in this promo?
The discount that customers can get is 5K and 20R depending on the denomination
Can all customers participate in this discount promo?
All smartphone customers can take part in this promo.
How is the discount given?
Discounts are given in the form of direct discounts and discount vouchers. The scheme that is run in this promo is?
Instant Discount : Given limited every day.
Voucher diskon : This voucher is given to customers who do not get an immediate discount (out of limit)
Is there a limit to the discount given?
The direct discount promo given is limited. As for discount vouchers, no
How to check if the discount voucher has been received?
Discount vouchers will be given max H+5 after the transaction is completed by Shopee and can be checked in the My Account menu in the Shopee Application
How to use discount vouchers?
Discount vouchers can be used for further transactions; The 5Rb discount voucher is only valid for purchases of min 100RB denom,
The discount voucher of 20 RB is only valid for purchases of min 200 RB
How do I get the Promo Code for this promo?
Customers can get promos by topping up credit via Bank BNI (ATM, M-Banking, or Internet Banking
How much quota bonus does the customer receive after topping up his credit?
Customers will get a 10 GB Quota Bonus for every top up of 100 thousand and above
Does the pulse/data package charging apply in multiples (Topping up the 50 thousand pulse/data package 3 times)?
Recharging/multiple pulses does not apply to get this quota bonus. Replenishment of at least 100 thousand must be done in 1 time filling.