FAQ Category: Promo
How long does this promo last?
Promo valid from 3 – 17 October 2022
Is the discount limited every promo period?
Not. Customers can get discounted prices, not limited to the maximum number of times to top up credit in each promo period
What if there is a complaint that I didn't get a discount when I did top up?
Customers can contact the 24-hour smartfren call center service at 888
What is the Vivo Bundling Package with Smartfren Prime Card?
This Vivo Bundling Package is a package that is specifically intended for purchasing Vivo Y35 type cellphones with a smartfren Prime Card which provides a Quota Bonus of 7GB per month for 24 months + 3GB when you first activate and install mySF and other benefits.
What benefits will I get if I buy this Bundling Package?
When activating and installing mySF for the first time, Customers will get a Bonus with the following details:
- 3 GB Main Quota, valid for 28 days
- Every time you top up a minimum of IDR 50 thousand, the customer will get a bonus of 7GB with the following details;
- 2GB Main Quota
- 5 GB Kuota Chat (Whatsapp & Line)
- Sepuasnya Nelpon HD+ ke smartfren
- Bonus validity period is 28 days
Where can I buy this Bundling Package?
This Bundling Package can be obtained automatically on a special Vivo Prime Card which is obtained for free for every Vivo Y35 purchase
How to get this Bundling Package Bonus?
To get the 3GB Activation Bonus, the Customer must:
Make sure the Smartfren Simcard is in slot 1 and the network conditions are in good condition.Customers who have activated the Vivo Special Prime Card will get the default 50MB to download the MySmartfren application.
Customers must download the mySmartfren application within a maximum of 3 days from activation using the default 50MB quota and open the MySF application to get the 3GB Quota Bonus. The 3 GB quota bonus is only obtained once when you activate it for the first time.
To get the 7GB Bundling Package Bonus, the Customer must:
- Top up a minimum of IDR 50,000, no later than 3 days after card activation.
- The 24 month Bundling Package bonus can only be obtained if the customer tops up his credit every month for a minimum of IDR 50 thousand.
How do I check if I have received the Bonus?
Can be checked by opening the MySmartfren application
Will the 50K credit that I top-up will be lost after claiming the Bonus?
The 50 thousand credits are not lost and can be used to purchase other internet packages.
I have opened the MySmartfren application but the Bonus is not there?
Make sure you have filled up a minimum of IDR 50,000 before claiming the bonus in the MySmartfren application. If you have already opened the MySmartfren application before reloading, then close it MySmartfren app then reopen it. If the Bonus is still not received, please contact call center smartfren.