FAQ Category: promo tokopedia 0422
How do I get this promo?
Smartfren customers can get this promo by purchasing the Daily Unlimited data package 1.5GB + 1.5GB 100 thousand
Does this promo apply to all Unlimited data packages?
No, this promo does not apply to Daily Unlimited Data Packages 1.5GB + 1.5GB 100 thousand
Where can customers get this promo?
Customers can get this promo on Tokopedia
Does this promo apply to all Unlimited data packages?
No, this promo does not apply to Daily Unlimited Data Packages 1.5GB + 1.5GB 100 thousand
Where can customers get this promo?
Customers can get this promo on Tokopedia
How much discount does the customer receive after purchasing the 100k Unlimited data package?
Customers will get a direct discount of 8 thousand
How do I check Credit / Quota Bonus that has been given?
Checks can be done on the MySmartfren application, *999# or contact Smartfren's customer call at 888.
What if there is a complaint of not getting a Bonus if you have purchased a data package?
For information services and complaints related to program promos, you can contact Smartfren Call Center 24 hours at 888 or 08811223344 / 021- 50100000 from other operators.