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Bagaimana cara mendapatkan paket Kuota

Paket Kuota dapat dibeli melalui MySmartfren app, Gallery dan outlet terdekat. Khusus untuk Paket Kuota perpanjangan otomatis dapat dibeli melalui MySmartfren app dan Gallery

Jika saya saat ini sudah berlangganan paket Auto Renewal, benefit apa yang saya dapat setelah 4 April 2018?

Automatic renewal starting April 4, 2018 will immediately get new benefits

Apakah paket Kuota yang baru terdapat fitur Auto Renewal?

Mulai 4 April 2018, paket Kuota akan memiliki fitur perpanjangan otomatis dan berlaku untuk paket bulanan (60ribu, 100ribu, 150ribu, 200ribu)

Apakah saya dapat membeli lebih dari 1 paket Kuota dalam periode yang sama?

Yes, the validity period of the packages will follow the validity period of each package. However, for Auto Renewal package, customers can only buy the NON Renewal package

Bagaimana prioritas penggunaan Kuota Internet paket Kuota?

1. Chatting Quota (to access texting Line, Whatsapp & BBM applications)
2. Midnight internet quota for usage from 01:00 - 05:00 WIB
3. 24hrs quota

Apa yang terjadi jika kuota chatting sudah mencapai FUP (batas pemakaian wajar)?

Chat access will use 24 hour main quota

Apa yang sebaiknya saya lakukan jika kuota paket Kuota saya habis sebelum masa berakhir paket?

Jika kuota Anda habis di tengah periode paket, Anda tidak akan bisa mengakses layanan internet. Anda dapat membeli paket Kuota yang lain tanpa harus mematikan paket yang Anda miliki terlebih dulu

Jika kuota saya habis di tengah periode, apakah saya dapat membeli add on?

Add on package is not available. You are advised to buy another Volume Based package  

1. What is an Unlimited Package?

The Unlimited Package is an internet package from Smartfren that provides Unlimited internet access services in all applications and is valid on all Smartfren networks, as well as additional benefits of Unlimited Calls to Smartfren users. With this Unlimited package, customers no longer have to worry about running out of quota when accessing internet services.

1. What is SmartPlan Postpaid Package?

SmartPlan Postpaid package is a complete combo package consist of data, voice and SMS quota benefits where customers will get a unit that can be adjusted by themselves and converted into a data / call / SMS quota according to customer needs.

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