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16. If there is a system disruption during the registration process, is that activation number can still be done?

Activation is still possible. Furthermore, customers / prospective customers periodically do the registration process until successful.

17. When does this customer registration start implementation?

Prepaid card registration is effective from October 31, 2017

18. What should the customer do if they have difficulty in the registration process?

Customers can call contact center Smartfren at 4444 from Smartfren number or 021-50100000 from PSTN or 08811-223344 from another mobile number.

19. What to do if the customer has difficulties or constraints in the population data (example: NIK is not found)?

If the customer is experiencing population data constraints, please contact the Customer Service Directorate General of Dukcapil through the call center 1500537 (on weekdays and business hours).

20. Is there a limit number of the numbers that can be registered for each potential customer and existing customer?

Total numbers that can be registered by prospective customers and existing customers can be registered by the customer concerned (self registration) maximum of 3 (three) numbers for each NIK on each telecommunication service provider. If more than 3 numbers, then the 4th number and so on can be registered through the telecommunication service provider's outlets.

21. What about numbers on behalf of corporations (not individuals)?

The registration mechanism for corporate numbers remains registered on behalf of customers (individuals).

22. How to view NIK registered on customer numbers?

– By SMS Type CEK send to 4444, for information NIK and KK registered

– Via website https://my.smartfren.com/check_nik.php

– Via MySmartfren Application

23. How to transfer or change ownership of a customer number?

A. Customers can change their ownership/return name by visiting the telecommunication service provider's outlets or contacting the contact center service by first verifying the identity of the old customer and potential customers and/or power of attorney (if required)

B. Or it can be done through customer self care service by releasing ownership / unreg first as follows:

– SMS type UNREG#NomorHP# format send to 4444

(Example : UNREG#088212700119#)

– Or via website https://mysf.id/unreg connection using the customer's Smartfren number, then fill in the NIK

– Access *4444#, select 3 Unreg menu

Unreg can only be done through the number to be released ownership. All services (calls, SMS, and data) will be blocked after an Unreg request is sent. To be able to enjoy the service, customers can re-register with a valid new identity and recorded in Dukcapil with the same steps mentioned in point.10

24. How to register or remove ownership of a prepaid number for NIK that has been registered before?

A. With customer self care services:

– SMS type UNREG#NomorHP# format send to 4444

(Example : UNREG#088212700119#)

– Or via website https://mysf.id/unreg connection using the customer's Smartfren number, then fill in the NIK

– Access *4444#, select 3 Unreg menu

Unreg can only be done through the number to be released ownership.

B. By calling the contact center service 4444

C. By visiting the nearest Smartfren Gallery, and bring proof of official ownership identity (KTP &KK)

All services (calls, SMS, and data) will be blocked after an Unreg request is sent.

To be able to enjoy the service, customers can re-register with a valid new identity and recorded in Dukcapil , with the same steps mentioned in point.10

25. What are the conditions of active period, remaining credit balance, remaining quota of service packages and benefits/bonuses owned by customers after UNREG?

At the time of UNREG, all services will be blocked. Remaining credit balance, remaining quota, active period will not change.

After the customer successfully re-registers, the service can be used with the remaining credit balance, remaining quota. and bonuses and active periods are the same as the conditions before UNREG.

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