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4. Are there any other fees beyond the rates for Content listed on Google Play Store?

All rates for the content sold are rates excluding VAT tax and other fees, so that what is deducted from the customer's credit will be charged when the credit is deducted.

1. What is Prepaid Customer Registration?

Prepaid Customer Registration is a registration of identity that must be done by prospective prepaid customers and existing prepaid customers whose data has not been validated ("Customer") using valid population identity data as recorded in the Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (“Ditjen Dukcapil”). This customer registration requirement also applies to prospective postpaid customers.

2. What are the purposes and benefits of prepaid card registration for telecommunication service customers?

·    Provide protection to the public users of telecommunication services against crimes and acts of abuse committed by irresponsible parties (terrorism crimes, fraud, information spamming, cybercrime) etc, so that the users / customers are also more comfortable in using telecommunications services.

· Ease of providing services for telecommunication service customers, i.e. online and non-cash transactions.

· Customer data may be used for financially inclusive purposes or the distribution of funds or government assistances.

3. What is the difference between prepaid registration now and previous registration?

NOPrevious Registration TermsNew Registration Terms
1Register using identity number, name, address, place/date of birth, ROID (Retail/Outlet ID), Postal CodeRegister using the data from ID Number (NIK) and Family Card number (No. KK) listed on electronic ID card (KTP-el) and Family Register Card (KK).
2No Validation processValidation requirement through database Ditjen DUKCAPIL
3Can only be done by telecommunication service provider outlets and third party partner outlets.Can be done by related customers/ users themselves, or visit to Gallery Smartfren, or visit to Retail Outlet or contact center 4444.

4. Is this prepaid registration valid for new customers only?

No. This prepaid registration must be followed by potential new customers and existing customers.

5. Can customers do the prepaid registration process themselves?

Yes, prospective customers and existing customers can do their own prepaid card registration process with the condition of input NIK, KK number according to KK &KTP recorded at the Directorate General of Dukcapil.

6. Is prepaid registration also can be done at telecommunication service provider's outlets or at telecommunication service provider partner outlets?

Yes, customers can also come to Gallery Smartfren or Retail Outlet by bringing the requirements to register.

7. What requirements must be prepared by customers to do prepaid registration?

The requirements that must be prepared are:

For Indonesian citizens:

• Electronic ID card

· Family Card (KK)

For Foreigners (Foreign Nationals):

· Passport

· KITAP (Permanent Residence Permit )

· KITAS (Temporary Residence Permit Card)

What is Emergency Credit service?

Emergency Credit or Emergency Credit is an interactive service that allows Smartfren prepaid customers to borrow credit via SMS, USSI and MySF 

8. What information in kk &ktp electronic needed for prepaid registration

The required information is:

  1. Residence Number (NIK) consists of 16 digits
  2. Family Card Number consists of 16 digits

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