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Apakah Smartfren mengubah pengaturan pada perangkat yang menggunakan eSIM?

No, Smartfren does not change any settings on devices that use eSIM. The eSIM feature is attached to the customer's device and Smartfren as the provider that provides the first eSIM service in Indonesia. 

Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan eSIM ke perangkat telepon saya?

Get eSIM QR code through smartfren galleries and some outlets that collaborate with smartfren. Make sure your device is connected to the internet before scanning the QR code. Scan the QR code from your device, continue the installation process until it's finished, then Smartfren eSIM will automatically installed on your device.

Apa saja pembatasan/limitasi dari eSIM?

  • eSIM can only be downloaded to one device. You are not allowed to scan other devices after eSIM profile is active on the previous device. For that, make sure you scan the QR code for the first time on the device you are going to use.
  • You can re-scan up to ten times on the same device. Make sure you safely store your code.

Dapatkah saya menggunakan nomor saya yang sekarang menjadi eSIM?

upgrade nomor ke eSIM sekarang menjadi Rp. 0 (dengan minimum transaksi)

Apa yang saya harus dilakukan jika secara tidak sengaja menghapus profile eSIM dari perangkat saya?

You can easily download the SIM profile back to your device by re-scanning the QR code that you got earlier. The maximum number of re-download is ten times and can only be done from the same device.

Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengunduh eSIM profil?

Download speed will depend on your internet connection. 

Bagaimana jika kode QR saya hilang? Bagaimana saya dapat menggunakannya kembali?

You can visit the nearest Smartfren Gallery to get the same QR code again.

Bagaimana jika terjadi kegagalan pada saat memindai kode QR?

1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.

2. Check the lighting conditions that may affect the camera when you scan the QR.

3. Check whether the QR code is damaged or not.

4. If the device still has problems, please contact Smartfren Customer Care team

Dapatkah saya memindahkan eSIM profile yang sudah saya gunakan ke perangkat lain?

Anda tidak dapat melakukan pemindaian ulang menggunakan kode QR yang sama dari perangkat lain. Anda hanya dapat melakukan pemindaian ulang dari perangkat yang sama. Untuk memindahkan profile eSIM ke perangkat lain, anda harus melakukan proses migrasi melalui galeri Smartfren  untuk mendapatkan kode QR baru. 

Ketika saya melakukan servis perangkat, apakah saya harus menghapus smartfren eSIM dari perangkat saya?

Yes, we recommend deleting the eSIM profile first so that your phone number is not misused by other parties.

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