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1. What devices can use this NOW+ Bali United Edition Starter Pack?

Smartfren NOW + Special Edition Bali United Starter Pack can be used on all devices that support Smartfren network

2. Where can I buy this Smartfren NOW+ Special Edition Bali United Starter Pack?

Smartfren NOW+ Special Edition Bali United Starter Pack can be purchased at all Smartfren Galleries and shops that sell Smartfren products

3. What should I do if my NOW+ Bali United Starter Pack quota runs out before the end of the package period?

If your quota runs out in the middle of the package period, you will not be able to access Internet services. You can buy other internet packages such as Volume Based or Unlimited Package.

4. What happens if the chat quota reaches FUP (fair usage limit)?

Chatting will use the main quota or regular credit

5. When the latest time I can activate the bonus quota from MySmartfren application?

Bonus quota from MySmartfren application can be obtained / claimed within 60 days period of card activation

6. What is the priority of using Smartfren NOW+ Special Edition Bali United Starter Pack Quota?

1. Midnight internet quota for use at 01:00 - 04:59 WIB

2. Chatting Quota (to access texting Line, Whatsapp & BBM applications) 

3. Bonus quota from claims through MySmartfren application

4. 24Hrs Quota

7. Can I buy the Unlimited Data Plan monthly package for 99k?

No, because this package is only available for Smartfren 4G LTE Andromax Smartphone Bundling users (excluding Mifi and cannot be purchased by the Bali United special edition of SP Now)

8. What internet packages can be purchased for Smartfren NOW+ Special Edition Bali United Starter Pack?

Available Packages:

  1. Volume Based Package
  2. MySmartplan
  3. Monthly Unlimited Package of Rp 149,000 which can only be purchased via MySmartfren application, there are also Weekly & Daily Unlimited Packages

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