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SMS Banking

SMS Banking

SMS Banking services are banking information services that can be accessed via SMS for smartfren customers who have registered as banking customers. You can enjoy banking transactions easily.

How to Activate SMS Banking Service

  1. Make sure you already have the bank account that is included in smartfren Bank partners
  1. Visit the nearest Bank/ATM

3. Register and activate your smartfren number for SMS/Mobile Banking service

How to Activate via ATM

  1. Select E-Banking/Mobile Banking/SMS Banking menu
  2. Select Register menu
  3. Enter your smartfren number
  4. Create PIN

Cara Aktivasi Melalui Kantor Cabang

  1. Check the list of smartfren Bank partners
  2. Visit the nearest branch office
  3. Register your smartfren number for financial services
  4. Create PIN

Additional Notes:

  1. Activation via ATM only activate non-financial services (Balance Check, Mutation Check, etc). To activate financial services, please visit the nearest branch office.

Have a question?

Check the answers about the service here

SMS Banking

  • 1. What is smartfren SMS Banking services?

    SMS Banking is a banking information service that can be accessed directly via SMS media by activating the number on the SMS Banking service.

  • 2. How to activate the service for smartfren customers?

    Please register your smartfren number via ATM / Bank branch office that has collaborated with smartfren

  • 3. What is the rate charged for smartfren customers?

    The rates charged vary depending on the Bank and the type of transaction (financial / non-financial), ranging from 100-500 rupiah / SMS

  • 4. Does smartfren Banking service apply to all prefixes?

    The majority of Bank partners can already be used for all numbers. However, some banks are only able to prefix the number 0887.0888.0889

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