Kartu Internet Asia
smartfren will accompany you as your internet-buddy and a friend to open new possibilitiesFull 4G Coverage
Internet access with full 4G coverage
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International Call & SMS
Stay close even if you're apart. Easy to communicate around the world with smartfren.
Make sure you have enough balance
Buy plan from MySF application
Plan will automatically activated and can be used immediately
International Call Packages
Special rates for you who love to call overseas
International Call Packages India
8 min
Call to India
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages India
200 min
Call to India
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages India
400 min
Call to India
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages Singapore
8 min
Call to Singapore
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages Singapore
200 min
Call to Singapore
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages Singapore
400 min
Call to Singapore
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages US & Canada
8 min
Call to US & Canada
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages US & Canada
200 min
Call to US & Canada
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
International Call Packages US & Canada
400 min
Call to US & Canada
24 hours call
Free to call at any time
How To Use International Call & SMS
- Premium Tariff (IDD 001, 007, 008): Enjoy call to other operator overseas from direct dialing using access codes 001, 007, and 008. Simply type [007/008/009][destination number]. Example: 0071234567891
- Standard Tariff (+, 01033, 01068) : Enjoy affordable call rates to various destination countries by typing [+] [Country Code] [Destination Number]. Example: +6112345678
- International SMS: Enjoy affordable SMS rates to various destination countries by sending to [01033] [Country Code] [Destination Number]. Example: Send SMS to 01033611234567
Have a question?
Check the answers about the product here
International Call
- 1. How to make international calls using smartfren?
Smartfren has IDD service 001, 007, 008, 01033, 01068. Customers can enjoy low-cost tariffs to more than 200 countries with IDD 01033 and 01068 services, by pressing [+] [country code] [destination number] on their cellphone using the Smartfren number. Example of international calls to Singapore: +65123456789.
International calls to premium and satellite numbers can only be used using IDD 001, 007, 008.
- 2. How much is smartfren International call rate being calculated?
Fares are calculated with a minimum duration of 1 minute and will then be calculated per minute.
- 3. Is there an International Call promo?
Smartfren has an International Call promo package to call to 6 countries, namely: China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, America & Canada. Packages are available at a price of IDR 50,000 (200 minutes, 15 days valid) and IDR 100,000 (400 minutes, 30 days valid) for each country. https://www.smartfren.com/id/shop/package/international
- 4. How do I activate the International Call package and what are the benefits?
International Call promo packages can be purchased through the MySmartfren application. Open the MySmartfren application to find out what packages are currently active in the "My Active Plan", to add to the package click "Buy". Select the "Other" menu to see the available International Call packages. Then select the package you want, then click "Buy" to buy the package. Click the autorenewal option if you want the package to be automatically renewed then select "Buy Now" to activate the package.
The advantage is that customers can enjoy international calls to 6 selected countries at a rate per minute that is 50% more efficient than normal rates and is valid for 24 hours.
- 5. Can customers buy and use International Call packages with different destination countries at the same time?
Customers can buy more than one package to enjoy calls to 6 different countries. Terms and conditions can be seen on the Smartfren website.
International SMS
- 1. What is the International smartfren SMS service?
Customers can send SMS to more than 200 destination countries
- 2. How to send SMS abroad using smartfren?
Customers must use the access code 01033 by sending an SMS to [01033] [country code] [destination number]. For example, send SMS to Singapore: 0103365123456789.
- 3. What is the rate per SMS abroad using smartfren?
SMS rates vary for each destination country from IDR 1000 per SMS to IDR 1900 per SMS. https://www.smartfren.com/id/shop/package/international