Movimax MV007
Your easy go-to internet access with Movimax modem bundling from smartfrenFull 4G Coverage
Internet access with full 4G coverage
Stable Connection
Enjoy stable internet network anywhere
Shared Connection
Can connected to many devices
Portable Modem
Device that is easy to carry anywhere
Movimax MV007
100% 4G network internet anywhere for up to 16 users
Movimax MV007 + 120 GB
60 GB
24 Hours Quota
60 GB
Midnight Quota
Movimax MV007 + 600 GB
50 GB/month
24 Hours Quota
50 GB/month
Midnight Quota
Movimax MV007 + 1200 GB
50 GB/month
24 Hours Quota
50 GB/month
Midnight Quota