Starter Pack
Erafone 360GB
Rp 0
Valid for 14 days
24 hours quota
Midnight Quota
Chat Quota
20 min
Call to other operator
Free Call
Free calls to smartfren user
Free 1x Change Number
Free change of numbers on mySF application
How to get Quota Bonus
- Top up your credit balance of at least IDR 50,000 no later than 3 days after card activation.
- With a minimum top up of IDR 50,000 every month, 15 GB quota bonus will be given per 30 days, maximum of 24 times for 24 months (IDR 50,000 credit will remains).
- The active period of 15 GB quota bonus is 14 days from the time quota bonus is received.
- Top up using voucher data will not get any 15 GB quota bonus.
- Download MySmartfren application to easily top up your credit and check quota.
Terms and Condition Erafone Starter Pack
Terms and Condition Erafone Starter Pack
- The active period of Erafone Starter Pack is 30 days from the time the card is activated.
- To get bonus from Erafone Starter Pack, top up your credit balance of at least IDR 50,000 no later than 3 days after card activation.
- Top up minimum of 50K must be in the form of physical or electronic credit top-up, top up with Voucher Data will not get any bonus.
- Top up minimum 50K, cannot split the denomination (ex: buy 25K 2x) and do not apply multiplies.
- Ensure your number is active in order to receive Erafone Starter Pack bonus.
- Priority of using internet quota Erafone are as follows:
1. Internet Malam (01.00 – 04.59)
2. Kuota Chat (Whatsapp & Line)
3. Kuota utama 24 jam
- If your bonus quota runs out, please purchase another internet plan to avoid using internet at regular rates.
- You will get bonus within 30 days if you top up with min. 50K. Top up 2 or more times within 30 days will not make your number get multiple bonus.
- Erafone starter pack can only be claimed once for 1 number using 1 device. The bonus can be claimed on different device, with conditions that the previous device has never been used to claim the bonus.
- Credit that has been purchased is not allowed to be transferred to other smartfren numbers or other operators.
- If at the end of the period there is still remaining data quota, the remaining quota will not be accumulated.
- Smartfren has the right to change or change the terms and conditions of the POWER UP Starter Pack at any time without prior notification to the customer.
- You are advised to visit this page periodically to review the terms and conditions.
Get a free Erafone Starter Pack for every mobile purchase on Erafone. Visit the nearest Erafone!